What a great time students had sharing the morning with their grandparents and other special guests on Thursday! Our guests spent time doing some morning math work, listening to students read aloud favorite picture books in the library, eating breakfast in the LGI, and listening to students read aloud their country reports. Back in the classroom, students interviewed their guests to learn more about what life was like when they were in third grade. Students loved learning more about their guests and realized how much times have changed. Check out some great photos from our special day below.
Poetry Workshop
We are continuing to read and write poetry in both reading and writing workshops. Students began the week by studying the mood of different poems and then trying to bring to life their own moods and emotions to the poems they wrote in their writer's notebooks. Students also learned about personification. Sometimes poets will give human qualities to objects that make them seem like they are alive. We also learned how poets often use similes to compare two things (ex: My hands were as cold as ice). Often students' poetry can sound more like stories, so we'll continue to help students rewrite their poems to include short, more rhythmic phrases and line breaks.
We will wrap up Unit 5 this week. It has been a very tricky unit. The whole unit has focused on learning how to solve word problems, word problems, and more word problems! We are really impressed at the thinking our students have done to solve so many tricky problems, including problems with extra information, hidden information, unknown variables, problems with rounding and reasonable answers, and of course two-step problems!
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