Saturday, October 8, 2016

Weekly Update

All-Star of the Week
Damario was our All-Star of the Week last week.  Students enjoyed seeing the items from his sharing sack, including a signed hockey puck.  We also enjoyed all of the pictures he brought in, especially his adorable baby pictures.  Damario also had a special lunch with his mom and received many nice compliments from his classmates on Friday.

Students had fun at this annual event!

Reading Workshop
 Students played a game of Kahoot! to review the different types of genres.  It is our hope this year students will be exposed to and try reading different genres, including: realistic fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, traditional literature, science fiction, mystery, informational, biography, and autobiography.  Students also practiced giving themselves a comprehension check while reading during IDR time.  Students should be asking themselves "Who is in this part?" and "What just happened?" often while they are reading text to make sure they are understanding the text.

Math Workshop
Students have been working really hard solving lots of multiplication and division word problems this unit.  We are consistently reminding students to write an equation with a variable and a label for each answer.  This will help students earn full points on their math assessment at the end of the unit.  We have also been solving many area problems.  Students understand to multiply the length and width of a rectangle to solve for area because we've practiced solving multiplication with arrays.  One strategy students have practiced recently is to break apart a large rectangle into two smaller rectangles in order to more easily solve the area of the large rectangle.  Below is an example.  At first we practiced this strategy using square inch Cheez-its.  Students will need to be able to write an equation like the one in the picture as well to receive full points for this type of problem on the unit assessment.

We have learned a lot about water through our first set of investigations.  Students investigated what happens to drops of water on different surfaces, including: foil, waxed paper, paper towel, paper, and sponge.  We have discussed surface tension and have conducted water races with domes of water of different sizes down a slope.  Students learned that heavier domes of water win the race every time!  Students also discovered the water domes will race down faster when the slope is steeper.


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