Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly Update

All-Star of the Week
Samantha was our fabulous All-Star last week!  The class enjoyed listening to her read aloud Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Seuss.  They also loved her special parent letter and letters from her sisters.  Samantha shared several pictures from her beautiful baby pictures to her most recent trip to Universal Studios.  She also enjoyed a special lunch with her mom on Friday.

Reading Workshop
Last week students practiced making a movie in their mind to visualize what is happening in a story they are reading.  They also learned reading strategies to help them pronounce tricky words by chunking multi-syllable words into smaller parts and looking for words they know inside the tricky word.  For the remaining lessons of our first unit in reading, we will be reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Di Camillo and using it as a Mentor Text to help teach students specific reading strategies.

Students are off to a great start with the fact fluency quizzes!  Be sure to continue helping your child to study his/her facts at home.  The fact triangles that came home in the fluency folder are a great way to help your child study multiplication and division facts at the same time!  At this point we have worked on building fluency with the following multiplication facts: 3s, 4s, 2s, 5s, 9s, and 10s.  Students also learned how to use multiplication to find area.  They practiced breaking apart large rectangles into two smaller rectangles.  Then they learned to find the sum of the areas of the two smaller rectangles, which is the same as the area of the large rectangle.  This is an example of the Distributive Property.

Students began our first science unit engaged in the Visible Thinking Routine, Think-Puzzle-Explore.  We added many ideas of what we think we know about water and many wonderings we have about water.  Students have learned about Surface Tension and have conducted water races with domes of water of different sizes down a slope.  They learned that heavier domes of water win the race every time! 

Please remember to send in your child's pledge sheet and money he/she collected.  The money is due Friday, October 9.  Ms. Herbert will color her hair yellow if our class wins! :)  Check out the photos in the slideshow below or click HERE to see the photos individually.

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