Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekly Update

All-Star of the Week
Alice was our wonderful All-Star last week.  Students enjoyed listening to her read aloud Apple Trouble.  We also loved her parent letter, and couldn't agree more...Alice is irreplaceable!  She enjoyed a special lunch with her mom on Thursday, and students wrote sweet compliments to Alice on Friday.  We also sang Happy Birthday to her on Friday as well.  Thank you to the Pan Family for donating a hula hoop to our classroom collection of recess toys!

Reading Workshop
We wrapped up Unit 1 and finished reading aloud The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  During IDR time, we are beginning to pull small groups to work on specific reading skills.  We will focus on comprehension, accuracy, and fluency skills.  Students have learned to recommend books to other readers.  Each student practiced completing a book recommendation card.  It is our hope students will continue recommending books to other readers throughout the school year.

Writing Workshop
Students learned how to write a lead or introduction to catch their reader's attention.  They also learned to introduce the characters and setting of their story in their lead.  Students listened to the mentor text One Green Apple by Eve Bunting.  We discussed author's craft and created a list of things we could try in our own writing.  Then students practiced revising pieces with their writing partner.

Word Study
We will begin Week 4 of Word Study this week.  Students have the opportunity each week to take a Spelling Practice test on Spelling City.  However, students need to wait until Friday morning to take the Spelling Test on Spelling City.  We deleted many of the lists on Spelling City in hopes of helping students choose their correct list for the week.  Students also need to practice their 5 High Frequency Words each week...these words are NOT on Spelling City because each student's list is different.  Please help your child practice his/her 5 High Frequency Words each week by writing each of those words in a sentence because he/she is expected to write each word in a sentence on Friday's test.

Hill Husky Teams
Below is a picture of our classroom on Husky Team day.  We are lucky to keep Alice and Marc for Husky Teams, but the rest of the students are in other Husky Teams throughout the building.  We will meet with our Husky Teams several times this school year.  In these meetings we will discuss different topics to help us be the best Hill Huskies we can be.  Next month's topic will be a review of Bucket Filling.

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