Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weekly Update

Lana had a great week as our All-Star!  She shared several items in her share sack such as an AGM trophy for piano and an electronic puppy that the class loved.  The class genuinely enjoyed her favorite book-Three Cheers for Tacky, and Lana had a wonderful lunch with both her Mom and Grandma. 

Ford Field and Detroit Renaissance Center
Our first field trip of the year was a huge success.  We had a beautiful day in Detroit as we toured Ford Field and the Renaissance Center.  In Ford Field, students were able to view multiple suites, the inside of the home and visitor locker rooms, the press area, and run down the tunnel and out onto the field.  After Ford Field we enjoyed lunch on the water.  Although a bit windy, the sun felt great and students enjoyed being outside.  We strolled all the way down the riverfront to the Renaissance Center.  Students felt their ears pop as we traveled up the elevator to the top of the Ren Cen.  Views of Detroit, Belle Isle and Windsor were enjoyed as we walked a full circle around the top.  We also got a glimpse of the USS Detroit as it was docked here for a ceremony. 

Students recently finished our first math unit of the year.  We have now started working on higher level multiplication and division problems, and building our number sense within those areas. 

We continue to write personal narratives while focusing on using dialogue within our writing, adding descriptive detail and learning the structure of paragraphing.  Students know to start a new paragraph when a new person is speaking, time has passed or when writing about a new subtopic. 

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